As the oldest sibling, I’ve almost always been the first to experience major life milestones. First to high school, first to college, first to move to New York, first to get a real job, first to get engaged and then married. But my sister, who is 5 1/2 years younger than me, recently reached a milestone I’m actually never going to reach, and it’s been the most beautiful thing to witness. It was just about a year ago that Lauren told me she was 8 weeks pregnant. In a lot of ways I wasn’t surprised, because I knew she and her husband had been talking about it and my sister was *pretty sure* she wanted kids. 😊 But as much as I sort of expected this news to come along at some point, I have to admit I was a little bit surprised when it did — and it was definitely a foreign feeling to congratulate my sister on taking a road I’d chosen not to travel.
In the Family: A Newborn Session For My Own Sister | by Boston Newborn Photographer Kristen Swain

I think pregnancy flies by for everyone other than the expecting mama. Because while I’m sure it didn’t feel this way for Lauren, for me it felt like one day I was congratulating her and asking her if she was thinking about names yet, and the next day I was speaking to her by phone while she was in labor waiting for Miss Maddie, who suddenly and aggressively announced her impending arrival two weeks early, but then took her sweet time with it, putting my sister through a full 24 hours of labor.
In the Family: A Newborn Session For My Own Sister | by Boston Newborn Photographer Kristen Swain

I’d planned my trip to Arizona around Lauren’s due date, knowing of course that the due date is just an estimate. I was actually still finishing up my summer work on Nantucket when Maddie arrived on September 1st. We ultimately decided that we’d just stick with the original plan, rather than trying to change my flights and cancel sessions to get there earlier. Maddie and I got to meet for the first time in mid-September, and she was three weeks old when we held her newborn session at my mom’s house in Phoenix.
In the Family: A Newborn Session For My Own Sister | by Boston Newborn Photographer Kristen Swain

The wonderful thing about sisters is they don’t hide their true feelings from each other very often. So I could tell right away that Lauren was really regretting having agreed to let me take photos for her while I was in town. 😂 And understandably. Maddie was a very particular — and very fussy — baby (and still is!). She knows what she wants…. but unfortunately that’s a mystery to the rest of us. Poor Lauren was so tired and definitely not thrilled about getting dressed, doing her own hair and makeup, putting Maddie in the car and driving 1/2 hour to my mom’s in time to arrive around sunrise (my request, which I’m still SHOCKED she agreed to). Yes, that’s me, the annoying older sister photographer who doesn’t have kids of her own, and wanted to catch the early morning sunlight for a few shots by the pool in my mom’s backyard….
In the Family: A Newborn Session For My Own Sister | by Boston Newborn Photographer Kristen Swain

We were all excited to be experiencing this special moment together. But and also, I’m pretty sure Lauren and Adam were even more excited for it to be over. This makes me wonder… how many of my newborn session clients are just putting on a good face for me? I mean, of course I know you want your photos, and you’ll never, ever regret capturing this extraordinary time in your family’s life… but is it also a mild form of torture? I’ve never been on the other end of it, so I don’t *really* know. At least I know it’s worth it, and Lauren was saying as much before she even saw any of the photos. She was happy and grateful, and I was so freaking honored that she trusted me to do it for her. Seeing my photos on her holiday card this year nearly killed me – so many happy tears.
In the Family: A Newborn Session For My Own Sister | by Boston Newborn Photographer Kristen Swain

Photos for Lauren’s crew will definitely be an annual event — I only wish it was easier to get to Arizona from Boston. Although if it was, I’d probably be banned. Or at least my camera would.
- Mom’s white dress: Nimo with Love
- Mom’s sweater: Nordstrom
- Baby’s jumper (from last image): Assemble
To book your 2025 Boston newborn session, click here.
In the Family: A Newborn Session For My Own Sister | by Boston Newborn Photographer Kristen Swain
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