Nantucket Family Session for a NYC Family | Photography by Kristen Swain
When this lovely NYC family reached out to me for a Nantucket photo session in early June, I immediately had a good feeling about them. Maybe because it was actually the dad (Adam) who reached out in this case, which gets major brownie points from me because it’s pretty rare. In my experience, nine times out of ten, the person booking their family’s session is mom, but it is so special when dads are equally as excited about their family photos! With this family, the good vibes would only grow stronger as we exchanged emails about their session, and beyond.

First, I was thrilled to learn that another Boston family I know through my branding work for Joy Street Kids had referred Adam to me. In short order, I then learned that another member of the KSP team, Whitney, my incredible right-hand woman and product design expert, had a connection to Adam as well, through her husband. But this was just the beginning. When Adam and I followed each other on Instagram, I noticed that he was actually connected to so many people I know in Boston (including many other KSP clients!). Given that I lived in NYC myself for 14 years (twice as long as I’ve lived in Massachusetts!), I would have expected our connections to be New York-based.

I knew Adam and his family were coming to Nantucket for a wedding, and as we strolled down Main Street together at the beginning of their session, making stops along the way whenever the light caught my eye, through our conversation we discovered that they were actually in town for our Nantucket next door neighbor’s wedding! The connections kept coming, including when mom Shazia noticed my bracelets with my dogs’ names on them and asked if they were Names for Good bracelets. Indeed they were, and it turns out Adam and Shazia know Names for Good founder Julianna, who I had just seen in Boston a few weeks earlier for a studio branding shoot featuring NFG’s new La Dolce Vita collection.
Our time together flew by with good conversation and a nice walk from Upper Main Street down to Washington Street and the harbor beach. By the end of the session, this family felt like old friends. I love it when worlds collide.
Nantucket Family Session for a NYC Family | Photography by Kristen Swain

Nantucket Family Session for a NYC Family | Photography by Kristen Swain
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